Professional woman shaking hands at a business meeting

Erie Management Group: Encouraging Business Growth

Erie Management Group, LLC was founded with a goal of encouraging new growth from entrepreneurs nationwide and bringing jobs back to the Erie region. The geographical location, manufacturing resources and traditions, access to all modes of transportation, and close proximity to markets combine to make Erie an ideal location for future-oriented companies.

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What we do.

We invest in companies from the ground up.

Supply Chain Management

Streamline your process of moving products and services through the market more effectively. With our network and expertise, we are able to find the most efficient methods for producing, storing, sending, and receiving products. We also select information and payment processes that best fit your business plan.

Warehouse worker managing inventory

Finance & Accounting

Establish accounting systems that monitor progress and support your decision-making process. In addition to responsible financial practices, we recognize the importance of risk management and of surveying, identifying, and mitigating risk according to the particular needs of your company.

Accountants reviewing financial reports

Human Resources

Attract, develop, and retain talent, while receiving efficient operational support. We utilize the human resources function to ensure employees are engaged, talent is developed, and the right skills and capabilities are built upon to achieve business goals.

HR employee meeting with a new hire

Corporate Governance

Elevate your business’ transparency and accountability. We use an internal management audit system to continually review and improve upon the ways in which we operate. And like public companies, we integrate formal procedures, diligent reviews, and a high standard of fiduciary responsibility.

Mature executive coaching younger employees

SB3 Office building, where EMG is location

Join the team.

Work with a diverse group of individuals and industries, while helping to build a more sustainable local economy.

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